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Bilgi Güvenliğine Giriş

CFE Certification TR ile düzenlediğimiz Bilgi Güvenliğine Giriş Webinar’ımızda temel bilgi güvenliği kavramları, bilgi güvenliğinin kurumsal yönetimi hakkında genel bilgi ve tasarıma göre güvenlik uyumluluğu’na değindiğim sunuma yukarıdaki link’ten ulaşabilirsiniz.

Taşınabilir Riskleri Azaltın

New Way of RISK

We need a predictable risk management environment to fulfill our responsibilities in a more digitalized company acting in a cyber world.
• Three Line of Defence
• Risk Management Phases
• Regulation Alignment
• Risk Assessment

How to Manage Cyber Risks

The security breaches suffered by many organizations, including most recently the consolidated attacks on banks around the world, combined with an 80 percent increase in attacks in just the last 12 months, have catapulted cybersecurity to the top of the list of priorities and responsibilities for senior executives and board members

Business Security Officer

BSO should have in depth understanding of business processes and how they are implemented in IT. Should have a good understanding of business controls. Should be able to translate the relevant business risk and controls in IT security requirements and controls.